Idaho — A Perpetual Hell for Women

Naseem Rakha
2 min readMay 19, 2024

I don’t intimidate easy. Walk anywhere into anything, feel okay most all the time. But after passing the country’s strictest abortion laws Idaho just feels a lot different.

The “Fetal Heartbeat law” makes illegal all abortions after 6 weeks of pregnancy unless there is medical certainty that the pregnancy will result in the death of the woman. This EXCLUDES mental health/“suicidal” idiations. Suicide, according to a 2022 CDC (Center for Dusease Control) report is the main underlying cause of pregnancy related death, but never mind that…

AND, if you were raped by your dad or brother or uncle, there will be no getting an abortion for you unless you have a police report. Also, and this one is diabolically deranged, the mom, pop, grandparent, aunt or uncle OF A RAPIST CAN SUE FOR UP TO $20,000 anyone who may have preformed an abortion on the impregnated rape victim up to four years after the procedure. And just to make sure one understands a woman has absolutely no rights whatsoever in Idaho, those residents who leave the state to terminate their pregnancy will face prison time back in the good old potato state.

For a state that hates the government getting all up in their faces, they sure don’t seem to mind it getting all up in women’s uteruses. Their overt oppression of women and the shameless distrust and disrespect of their sisters and wives and daughters ability to make their own medical decisions has me taking a second look at every rig that passes with Idaho plates. Likely I’m just imagining it, but most of the men I see hauling themselves out of their half-tons, or filling up at the station, or walking down the street with their hand tucked in some young girl’s back pocket seem to have a newly polished kind of cockiness — like we own you now, and you best just shut up about it.

Idaho has a long history of misogyny, racism, radicalism and oppression. Morman polygamist strongholds, Ruby Ridge, Aryan Nation, the KKK all part of an authoritarian algorithm that draws in people easily swayed by conspiracy theories and a drum beat need to strangle the freedom out of women and minorities, typically with their trigger happy “god” at their well armed side. And if their state motto is any indication that state is not likely to become anymore enlightened or egalitarian or just plane humane anytime soon.

